FAITH Truths
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Scroll to see this week's drive home texts for Preschool, Children and Student Ministries.
December 8, 2024
Who spoke with Mary?
Can you be a megaphone for Jesus?
How can we celebrate Jesus this Christmas?
What did the Israelites do when God provided a way to be saved through the Passover lamb?
Can you save yourself from your sins? Why?
As a family, talk about how you can share the Good News of Jesus with someone this Christmas season.
Middle School
When God brought the plagues to Egypt, how did He show that He is just and merciful?
How did the 10th plague foreshadow the gospel and what Jesus would later do?
As a family, pray for the lost and then spend time praying for each other.
High School
What do you often find your identity in?
Who are considered the "children of God? according to 1 John"
What kind of confidence do you have knowing your a child of God?
FAITH Truths
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